Pirate Blog — Toa Samoa

Tracking my Peace Corps Adventures in Western Samoa

E fa’aepea e fai pe’epe’e

Posted by Igor Popstefanija on August 8, 2010

I give my year 10 English class a weekly journal to write. My parents had wanted a recipe for how to make coconut cream, so I asked them to write it for me. This is also to show you the level of English in my class. I’ve tried not to alter the students work, but have made corrections with square brackets were I thought necessary. Without further ado:


How to make coconuts cream

I know you want to know how todo the coconuts cream. First takeoff the back cover of the coconuts then half the coconuts into two sides then you have to valu [scrape] the coconuts using the kuai [scraper] after that then you see it was change into small pieces then you have to use a tauaga [cloth] to kakau [squeeze] the coconuts to become to be a coconuts creame then you have to use it and it was so sweet, niese [nice] and taset [tatses] like ice-creame. So that is how to make the coconuts cream in Samoa.

Tofa Soifua


How to make a coconut cream…………….

  1. First, of you will have to collect the coconut.
  2. Second, you will give coconut whatever how many, coconut you want to use to get coconut cream.
  3. You will take off the coconut body, we call that pulu.
  4. After that you will use the tuai [scraper] to scratch a coconut. Tuai is a Samoan materials.
  5. And you will ready to clean all the penu [coconut shavings] from a tauaga [cloth]. Tauaga is a Samoan materials too.
  6. And you will see a coconut cream faces denn [then] the coconut cream good and nice.
  7. If you use or many coconut, that is your coconut cream faces.

This is my believable to making coconut cream.


How to make coconuts cream.

First one: Pick up the coconuts.

Second: o’ă [husk (v.)] the coconut of kolopā [crowbar – stick used to husk coconuts]

Three: valu [scrape] the coconu[t] of calt [?], make up the pegu [shavings] of coconut.

Four: finished used of calt[?]. Give the kauaga [cloth] and kakau [squeeze] the, pegu [shavings] of coconuts, make up the, coconuts cream.

The coconuts cream used and make for the fa’alifu fa’i [bananas with coconut cream]. The fa’alifu fa’i is the best food of Samoa. There are very nice coconuts cream of my life, because she is used for the bananas. There are very nice coconuts cream for you and me.


How to make coconut cream

Frist [first] you have to go and fined [find] the coconut upu [up] to the coconut tree. Two you go and o’a [husk] the coconut. Three after you o’a [husk] the coconut then brake [break] the coconut. Four than you get the kuai [scraper] and you have vavalu [scrape] the penu [coconut shavings]. Five kakau [squeeze] the coconut cream. Now its all about they have make the coconut cream. The coconut cream is own Samoa have.



How to make coconut cream

How to make coconut cream, coconut cream are very important to our Samoan people because Samoan people is like a coconut. Coconut cream are the tree they are use to make a saka [boiled/fried meal]. A fa’alifu fa’i [Banana with coconut cream] they use a coconut cream. & the coconut cream were many different ways to make a food. Food is like a saka [boiled/fried meal], fa’ausi [taro cubes with coconut cream], suai’a [boiled fish] and other food to use cream of the coconut. & I’m sorry about my topic was small. Because I don’t know the end of the coconut cream. Thak you MR-Toa for correcting my book. Please don’t hates me sorry about my mistake. God Bless you.



How to make a coconut cream.

If you make a coconut cream you just thing first for how to do that thing. If you do a coconut cream you just fine [find] a coconut trees. But you have to prepare a (tuai [scraper], tauaga[cloth], and masima [salt]). Coconut cream is a good food for all Samoan people because that a natural food of Samoan people, the time that you ready to do a coconut cream you just get off the body [husk] and you just make a coconut cream. All different people of the world are like a coconut cream. But they didn’t do for his own the buy a money. Because they don’t have a coconut trees, they come to Samoa and buy a coconut cream then they go to his country and buy from money.


! How to make coconut cream!

It honor for me to explain my topic is about “How to make coconut cream.” In Samoa people will make it in there family for good Samoan people were need it, and they do or use it in all day. So the first way for making coconut cream. You ooa [husk (v.)] to coconut to take away pulu [husk (n.)] and ready to vavalu [scrape], then you cut the coconut into half, so that time were sit on the tuai [stool with attached scraper] and vavalu [scrape] the cococut. So you see it change into a penu [coconut shavings]. So that penu [coconut shavings] you were going to tatau [squeeze] to [in] Samoan tauaga [cloth made from coconut husk]. When you do it you were use our hand, it hard. Samoan were like it. When you are ready to do it you see the penu it change to a coconut cream, you it, it white, coconut cream are use in Samoan food like, saka [boiled/fried meal] and umu [traditional Samoan oven], Samoan food were different from the other country for using coconut cream

So that all from me

[This last part is really funny to me because the student’s name is Mĕ which is Samoan for May]

2 Responses to “E fa’aepea e fai pe’epe’e”

  1. Jane Reinking said

    Those write-ups by the students were so fun to read. Thanks for posting them. Perhaps I will see you on my upcoming visit.

  2. Marija said

    I enjoyed reading these write-ups. You can sense how proud the kids are writing about it. I do not think I learned how to make cream, but the posting is great,

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